Syrian refugee Amer shares a Berlin apartment with 94-year-old Eva. As a girl, Eva was a member of the Hitler Youth. She now lives opposite a German pub, where refugees are viewed with suspicion. Will the encounter with Amer shift their views?
Director Biography – Dasa Raimanova
Filmmaker Jay Dacey/DOP
London Mia Bayes/Producer
+44 (0) 7791746168
I am an aspiring, versataile documentary filmmaker, whose distinguished qualities are fluency in several languages, intrepidness, cultural versatility and a strong academic background. With experience in independent filmmaking, I am looking to take the next step.
Ca m e r a O p e r a t i o n
Ca n o n 6 0 0 D , 5 D , 7 D , C 3 0 0 , C 1 0 0 /So n y a7 s / FS 7 / E X / X D
Ca m e r a As s i s t i n g
Ca n o n C3 0 0 / S o n y F 8 0 0 X D Ca m H D /R E D
Ed i t i n g
Fi na l C u t Pr o/ Pr e m i e r e Pr o/ A f t e r – Ef f e c t s
Ad v a n c e d O f f i c e S k i l l s
Mi c r o s o f t O f f i c e / P h o t o s h o p / S o c i a l – Me d i a / Re s e a r c h / Or g a n i s at i o n & C o m m u n i c at i o n
La n g u a g e s
Sl o v a k ( N a t i v e ) /E n g l i s h , G e r m a n , F r e n c h ( f l ue n t ) / Ru s s i a n , Cz e c h , P o lis h (c o n v e r s a tio n a l)
Dr i v i n g L i c e n s e
Fu l l / c l e a n E U / O w n v a n w i t h bu s i ne s s i ns u r a nc e
Jan 2014 – Dec 2017 Producer/Director/DOP ‘Polyland’ (PL/UK/71min)
Documentary and social campaign with NGO Nomada, NGO Dom Pokoju about three women from different minorities facing the growing right leaning populism in Poland.
Sept 2013 – present Producer/ Director/ DOP ‘Not a Saint, just an Angel’ (in production)
London based 95 year old conscientious objector looks back on life.
October 2015 Producer/ Director/ DOP ‘Almost 18, BUT not leaving HOME’ (UK/20min)
Embedded in a community of 130 people who’ve been living on squatted land over 17 years
in Amsterdam and are facing eviction. On everyday struggles of a variety of Palestinians, with unifying theme of food and farming. Conducted subsequent audience presentation in Europe.
Sept – Jan 2013 D i re c t o r/ D O P ‘R e s i s t a n c e R e c i p e s ’ (P a l e s ti n e / P o l a n d / 3 0 m i n )
NG O NO MAD A & P o l i s h Mi n i s t r y o f F o r e i g n Af f a i r s d o c u m e n t a r y on everyday struggles of a variety of Palestinians, with unifying theme of food and farming. Conducted subsequent audience presentation in Europe.
August 2017 Panorama Amazon BBC NI Camera OP
July 2017 Why mum died: Britain’s Sepsis Crisis Panorama/BBC AC/ Camera OP (Broadcast credit) July 2017 Undercover: Britain’s Immigration Secrets Panorama/BBC AC
May 2017 Election shorts BBC3 Camera OP
March 2017 C4 Dispatchers: Secrets of Coca-Cola Firecrest Films Camera Assistant (Broadcast credit) June 2015 Panorama Bloomberg Quicksilver Media Technical Runner
Jul-Sept 2014 Afghanistan: The Lion’s Last Roar Bl a k e w a y Camera Assistant (Broadcast credit)
Ma r c h 2 0 1 4 C4 N e w s S e x / P o l i t i c s Fi r e c r e s t Fi l m s Ca m e r a As s i s t a n t
Ju l y – Se p t 2013 Pa n o r a m a C h a r i t i e s Ma t c h l i g h t L t d Camera Assistant (Broadcast credit)
Fe b 2 0 1 8
Au g u s t 2 0 1 7
Ma y 2 0 1 7
Li v e A r t Fe s t i v a l Ba s e l i n e C i r c u s
Li v e A r t E m e r g in g ta le n ts
Ar t s C o u n c i l Bo o m t o w n
Ar t s C o u n c i l Vi d e o g r a p h e r / Ed i t o r Vi d e o g r a p h e r / Ed i t o r Vi d e o g r a p h e r / Ed i t o r
De c 2 0 1 6
No v 2 0 1 6
Ja n 2 0 1 5 – p r e s e n t
St r e e t p a r a de s
Li v e A r t Fe s t i v a l Di r e c t A c t i o n s
Em e r g e n c y Ex i t Ar t St e a kh o us e L i ve
Vi d e o g r a p h e r / Ed i t o r Vi d e o g r a p h e r / Ed i t o r Vi d e o g r a p h e r / Ed i t o r
▪ First Class BA in Film, Video and Interactive Arts – Middlesex University (2009 – 2012)
▪ MA in Cognitive Sciences – Université Lumière, Lyon, France (2003 – 2004)
▪ MA in Biological Anthropology and Prehistory – Université Bordeaux I, France (2002 – 2003)
▪ BA in Biology and Biological Anthropology – Universität Wien, Austria (2000 – 2002)
▪ Filmonomics – a 6 months mentorship program for female directors (Sept 2017 – March 2018)
▪ Filmart International documentary master class – Pozega, Serbia (August 2013)
▪ ‘Tell me your story’ – A Skillset funded workshop for emerging directors, London (April 2013)
▪ Polyland – LGBT Film Festival, Krakow FF Market, Selection for The Guardian pitch, Sheffield Doc Fest (2016)
▪ ‘Resistance Recipes’ – Official selection for Sheffield Docs Videotheque (2013); London Palestine Film Festival (2013); Bristol Palestine Film Festival with Q&A (2013); Toronto Palestine Film Festival (2014)
▪ ‘1 squat, 38 people, 10 dogs, 6 cats & a mum’s visit’ – Nomination for best independent documentary at
Portobello Film Festival (2013)
Activism; London Palestine Action (direct actions and video work), Calais Solidarity (building of shelters in Calais)
Still Photography; University of Bordeaux Photo Prize (2003); P u b lis h ed i n ‘ I n d i a T o d a y’ ( 2 0 0 8 ) , ‘ R e f l ex ’ ( 2 0 1 0 )
Events organising; e.g. Middlesex University Encounter Film Show, Alternative fashion shows
(htt p://fe m m e f a t a l e l ondon.blogs pot. c o.u k /); Exhibitions (htt p://ww w . a r t c ore i nt. net /) Benefit concerts
Extensive creative-industry volunteer work; Sheffield Film Festival, Human Rights Watch Film Festival, Open City Film Festival and with Secret Cinema and Open Cinema
Travel; Extensive travel, work and life experience in Europe, India, Siberia, South America, North Africa and Middle
Other; Bharata Natyam – South Indian Dance (ICCR Sch
Dasa Raimanova
Project Type:Documentary, Television
Runtime:26 minutes 5 seconds
Completion Date:January 11, 2019
Production Budget:50,000 USD
Country of Origin:Germany
Country of Filming:Germany
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No