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The agreement between EU and Turkey took effect on March 20th 2016. Since then, thousands of citizens have been blocked on the refugee camps of the Greek islands suffering a limbus of uncertainty. Abdullah and Wassim are two victims of an unfair system which condemns neglected men and women. This is their story, the same of thousands and thousands of people who just want to escape war and violence in their countries.




Director Biography – Celia Hernández García

Video editor and documentary filmmaker. Co-editor of the documentary entitled A game called Hope, produced for the FC Barcelona Foundation. Producer and editor of the campaign Muro de Mentiras (Wall of lies), a project commissioned by CEAR (Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado). Amongst her several other documentaries we can find projects made for NGO’s such as Ayuda en Acción and porCausa foundation or media coverage for EL PAÍS Planeta Futuro, El Español, El Confidencial, Pikara Magazine or Univision Desigualdad.


Director Statement

“A country without documentary films is like a family without a photo album”_ Patricio Guzmán, Chilean documentary filmmaker.


Celia Hernández García Director
Gabriel Pecot Writer
Celia Hernández Producer
José Bautista / Kanseisounds Music
Project Title (Original Language): Welcome to Europe
Film Type: Documentary
Runtime: 18 minutes
Completion Date: October 15, 2017
Country of Origin: Spain
Country of Filming: Greece
Film Language: English
Shooting Format: Digital, FullHD
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Film Color: Color
First-time Filmmaker: No
Student Project: No